The concept of craftsmanship fascinates and drives us. We believe that the craftsmanship is doing it what you love and doing it right. We think of our work as practice towards becoming an absolute expert at what we do. Craftsmanship is not a destination; it's a life-long discipline.

We design and manufacture our own products using an exacting construction process and only the finest materials.
Like most of you, we’ve long had to choose between over-priced, over-marketed leather accessories that disrespect our intelligence and our wallet. We knew there had to be a better way, so we created BROX as a return to the essential: a great and unique leather products a fair price.

We spent over a year meticulously crafting our first BROX line. Expert craftsmen with decades of experience honing high-grade leather make our accessories. Our products are designed to blend timeless simplicity and modern ergonomics.
We hope that you will enjoy your BROX products!